eQ Plc
eQ Asset Management Ltd.
eQ Fund Management Company Ltd.
eQ Life Ltd.
Business ID: 1625441-9
Business ID: 1104630-3
Business ID: 0736052-7
Business ID: 1756218-1 
Aleksanterinkatu 19 A, 5th floor


Phone (switchboard) +358 9 6817 8777

Fax +358 9 6817 8766, Private Equity +358 9 6817 8748

Customer service:

Phone +358 9 6817 8700
Fax +358 9 6817 8766

Transaction notifications for persons discharging managerial responsibilities within eQ Plc and persons closely associated with such persons (MAR transaction notifications) eQJohdonkaupat(at)eq.fi
Notifications of major shareholdings to eQ Plc eQLiputukset(at)eq.fi

Our office is located middle of Helsinki city centre and is open 9.00-16:00.

During off hours we ask you to contact us by email.

Advium Corporate Finance Ltd. Business ID: 2273038-9  
Aleksanterinkatu 19 A, 5th floor

Phone +358 9 6817 8900 

Fax +358 9 6817 8950
E-invoice addresses